Bonus Episode: From Young Minds To Tech Giants: Building a female-friendly future in technology

Welcome back to another exciting bonus episode of Marketing in the Madness, where we delve into transformative journeys and pioneering strategies aimed at fostering a female-friendly future in technology.

This week, we’re delighted to feature Richard Surman, the visionary Head of IT at Crew Clothing, who brings a wealth of knowledge on elevating women in the tech landscape. Richard discusses the critical shifts and proactive measures necessary to cultivate a more inclusive and supportive tech ecosystem for women. As we advance into a more digital era, the imperative for female representation in tech leadership and strategy becomes increasingly apparent. This episode celebrates the strides taken towards parity and examines the path that lies ahead for achieving gender equality within the workplace.

We explore the challenges of male-dominated tech environments, highlighting the influential role of women in shaping consumer markets and driving retail innovation. Richard shares his extensive 25-year journey in IT, noting a significant transition towards a more gender-diverse field. He emphasises the growing engagement of women in technology, underlining the essential need for their career advancement and professional development.

Furthermore, Richard offers an in-depth look at actionable initiatives and practices that can enhance women’s presence and success in technology. From mentorship to dismantling stereotypes, and from fostering inclusive hiring practices to promoting career mobility, he outlines a blueprint for building a supportive framework that encourages women to excel in tech roles.

Key Takeaways:

The importance of challenging the status quo and encouraging women to explore careers in tech and IT, areas traditionally seen as male domains.
The role of male allies in supporting and promoting female leadership and participation in tech.

Innovative recruitment and empowerment strategies that focus on making tech roles more appealing to women, highlighting the need for a shift in industry perceptions.

The potential impact of early education and engagement in encouraging young girls to pursue interests in technology and leadership.

I could talk all day about the importance of advocating change, however, I want to let the video do the talking, as there is power in hearing our guest’s raw emotions regarding the need for change and the importance of advocates when representing the underrepresented minority.

Stay tuned for more episodes of Marketing in the Madness as we explore the intersection of marketing, technology, and leadership through the lens of empowering women 🎧



Remember; It starts with YOU.

Share your stories in the comments or via email; spreading awareness and advocating for change is only the start. Join us as part of the journey, and of course, if you’d like to be part of our FLC bonus series, please do get in touch.

Katie Street

Street Agency